Animated GIFS – what was once the humble vessel of mindless entertainment has become, in the eyes of some, a legitimate art form. Here then are 10, no 32, examples of the form, ranging from the cute to the clever, that honor bunnies in motion (if static, click on the image to activate).
1. Just one of the many perks of having a rabbit to call your own.
2. Check out this adorable snow bunny tearing down the slopes!
3. This rabbit is old school. I bet he used to hang out on AOL message boards and spend all day making websites in Geocities.
4. I hope he has that insured.
5. The Mondays have been known to jump from homo sapiens to other animals. The image above depicts an adult leporidae who has been infected with the Monday virus. Thankfully, the Mondays can be treated with moderate doses of “d’awww”. While she’s working from home she should have some of our Bunny slippers for women.
6. Technically, not a bunny, but it wants so badly to be that I felt obligated to include him.
7. “Yes, could I have a venti macchiato with extra rabbit?”
8. One step for Bunbuns, one giant hop for rabbit-kind!
9. This is the gif that changed “Are you a cat or a dog person?” to “Are you a corgi flop person or a bunny flop person?” (Which are you? Let us know in the comments!)
10. A corgi and a bunny rabbit take this heated debate into their own hands – “Corgi flop!” “No, bunny flop!” “No, corgi flop!” If you love these wonderful dogs check out our Corgi Slippers.
11. Come on, man, just give the little guy the carrot.
12. Hare today, gone in a flash.
13. We see what you’re doing there.
14. I’m going to pretend I didn’t just see that.
15. This bunny brings a bit of pop to everything he does.
16. Get a load of this guy! He’s HUGE!
17. Play nice, you two!
18. Coming full circle. Over. And. Over. And. Over. Again.
19. Nom Nom Nom!
20. “Got a light?”
21. Bunny Vs. Balloon, Round 2. (Spoiler: The balloon wins!)
22. Potassi-YUM!
23. Kitten grooms bunny? Kitten grooms bunny!
24. Inscrutable, that one.
25. Bunny herds sheep, has massive dog complex.
26. I can’t even deal with this. The cute meter has been officially redlined.
27. Bunny hearts ice cream and it’s awwwwww-dorable.
28. The world needs more heroes like this soldier. I imagine he needs some Animal slippers
29. Flower power with a bunny rabbit twist.

30. Googly-eyed bunny is, if nothing else, very, very, enthusiastic.
32. Is this the most delicious carrot in the world?
Did we neglect to post your favorite rabbit-related gif? Leave it in the comments and we’ll add it to the list! And don’t forget your bunny slippers.
Awwwwwwwdorable sooooooo cuuuuuuteeeeee